About SIP

In SIP's dynamic setting, every day is a new adventure, fostering an environment where innovation and collaboration flourish.

What To Expect

SIP is a new way of learning, prioritizing independence and innovation. A classroom filled with modern tools and cutting edge technology. Everything from drones and cameras to paint and canvases, SIP prioritizes the students and creating the best possible environment for learning.

Our Requirements

A full commitment to the SIP ethos is essential, requiring an unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and the mastery of skills. This commitment extends beyond the traditional classroom model, urging individuals to embrace a proactive and self-directed approach to their academic journey. To excel, one must possess the willpower and the inclination to drive personal goals autonomously.

The Teacher

Peter Sloth

I’ve been a teacher at Skals Efterskole since 1998, where I teach the SIP class, which works with projects the whole year around. I also teach the MAS class (Masser af Sport).

I’m also in charge of the singing lessons and like organising different events for the students, as it in my world is important for a real boarding school experience.

I also love skiing, playing tennis, table tennis and badminton. Generally I like competing against the students in all sports – and I love winning.

I live in Skals town and use a lot of my free time at the school, which is my second home.

Our History

Teachers: Kurt Mikkelsen, Lene Stisen, Jane Rasmussen  
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Kirsten Benner
Teachers: Kirsten Benner and Lars Haulik 
Exchange: Finland 
Teachers: Kirsten Benner and Lars Moritzen 
Projects: They had a campaign about keeping 10th Grade. Their goal was to convince as many people as possible that we should keep 10th grade. They spilt up into groups, some people made a website (www.bevar10.dk). Other people went to Viborg to hand out flyers, they ended up handing out 200 of them. Another group wrote articles, in hopes of a newspaper printing them, sadly they only ended up getting a small part in the newspaper “JP”.  The last group invited the Danish politician Christian Piil Lorentzen and hosted a mandatory debate. They didn’t manage changes his opinion on 10th grade, but they change his view of certain things.
Teachers: Kirsten Benner and Lars Haulik 
Projects: This class tricked the whole school, by getting the principal to warn the school about a dangerous mosquito that was in the area, it of course didn’t exist. They made a fake article about the mosquito, said that a mosquito bite will result in large wounds. Almost everyone believed it. To finish the project, they announced that the whole thing was fake.   The reason behind the project was to show the power of the media. 
Exchange: Romania 
Teachers: Kirsten Benner and Lars Haulik 
Projects: This class teamed up with “ungdommens rødekors” to collect as much money as possible, In order to give away to Uganda. They arranged a lot of different events, like hosting a bingo night, where they had fun and told people about the problems in Uganda. They set up a stand where we sold our horror films on DVD (The horror movie was an earlier project). The biggest and most impactful thing they did, was getting a lot of schools (themselves included) eat cheaper meals for a week, and then doating the money they saved to Uganda. Viborg folkeblad wrote a article about them. The final amount of money was: 16.900 dkk.
Exchange: Poland
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Lars Moritzen 
Projects: Animation  This class got visited by four Romanians, that taught them how to make an animated movie. They taught them about the different styles of animation. They split into two groups of 6 or 7 students. One group made a video about a pair of shoes going to SPAR, the movie was called, “Johan and the magic shoe”. The other group made a lot of paper cut outs, to recreate a part of Sex and the City. Both movies were great, and they had a blast watching them. Both groups used stop-motion, to make their video.  Hidden politics For their last project, they wanted to work with “hidden politics”. At the beginning of the project, they visited VIA university in Viborg, they were there from Monday to Wednesday. For this project they worked with the Bilderberg conference. They made a fictional case, a conflict between Christianity and Islam., that they had to solve during the conference. The “conference” was held in the auditorium and was a mixture of news and two fictional interviews. The “conflict” was a success, and the class was happy and proud of the project, and found it suiting as the last project, since they had a lot of long meetings and had to think out of the box. 
Exchange: Netherlands
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Lars Moritzen 
Projects: This year set out to beat the previous SIP record to raise money for charity. They took part in "Danmark's indsmalingen", where after-school students compete to collect the most money. They did a lot to raise money, the biggest efforts were:   Cheap food days: Eat cheaper and donate the money. This idea got a lot of media coverage.  An auction: The students and teachers put "themselves up for auction" this meant you could pay them to do things like jump in the stream.  A treaty evening: They invited the minister in Skals over Bjørn Westh.  Sponsor run with Skals Skole.  On January 27, they had all the teachers and students at their disposal who went out and did work for private individuals or companies, on that day they earned DKK 30,000.  Besides that, they made a lot of films, including a music video for "where is the love" which was shown on Ramasjang, which gave a lot of additional SMS votes.  They ended winning the competition by quite a lot and demolished the former record. Eight proud students went to the big show in Copenhagen to represent Skals Efterskole. 
Exchange: Netherlands
Teachers: Peter Sloth 
Projects: This year wanted to make a difference. So, they chose to take part in "Denmark's indsamlingen" again and wanted to be the school that collected the most money, in addition to that they also wanted to be the first to school to collect over DKK 100,000. They beat their goal of reaching over 100,000 so early that they collected an additional 80,000. They achieved this, by hosting a Steffen Brand concert.   School of Media  They had a five-week course in learning how to use the camera, cutting tools/editing programs, lighting, and different subjects. The first three weeks were spent at the School of media in Viborg, and the last two here at the school. They made a lot of films and learned a lot of technical terms.   
Exchange: Ireland
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Lars Moritzen 
Projects: Campaigning about blood and organ donation  They made a campaign on blood- and organ donation. We went to Viborg with fake blood, pig entrails, a hospital bed, and a lot of other hospital equipment. They also made a flash mob and A arranged a morning meeting for the other students to tell them about the topic.   Danmarks Indsamlingen They collected 237.000 dkk, which was around 25% of all the other schools combined. 
Exchange: Ireland
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Lars Moritzen 
Projects: Election at Skals They split the class into different political parties, it was the steering committee that decided which parties each group had to represent. (Dansk Folkeparti, Venstre, Enhedslisten, Socialdemokratiet, Radikale Venstre) Each party had to find a president.  They held debates for the school in some of the morning meetings, where they discussed stuff like: Taxes, healthcare, immigration, and SU. In the end the school had to vote. Venstre won.  Danmarks Indsamlingen  They collected 283.005 dkk. 
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Lars Moritzen
Exchange: Nepal
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Lars Moritzen 
Projects: Kaos Pilots – Talk show  They had two meetings with the Kaos pilot. The fist time they represented SIP by doing a talk show. It was about two teams answering questions about SIP, to make sure that SIP, is a creative class. After the Talk show SIP received lessons from one of their teaches. It really helped them finish future projects.  ”Danmarks Indsamlingen”   They collected 255.492 dkk 
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Lars Moritzen 
Projects: Pre Zimbabwe   This project was going on while they were doing “stop hating SIP”. The students not doing the other project, was split into smaller groups, that had to learn everything, there was to know about Zimbabwe.    ”Danmarks Indsamlingen”   They collected 192.936 dkk 
Exchange: Zimbabwe 
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Lars Moritzen 
Projects: Recycled phone cases  Half the class wanted to make something with recycling plastic. They decided that they wanted to make phone cases out of recycled plastic. At first it wasn’t supposed to be linked with “Danmarks Indsamlingen” but they came up with the idea, that they could sell the cases for money, and then donate the money. They then stated looking for companies, that could make them, and found a company called “Dencker”, and both the class and the company was very interested and excited. Some of the students, went to have a meeting, with the main man, Anders Dencker, and told him about the idea. They decided to make cases in different colors for the iPhone 6. They ordered 5000 of them, but they had a mistake, so they returned them, and ordered 2000 new ones. They got permission to set up a stand I Føtex, where they could sell them in the weekends.  ”Danmarks Indsamlingen”   They collected 294.840 dkk 
Exchange: Zimbabwe 
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Lars Moritzen 
Projects: Kids aid  They wanted to make their own charity, so they collected around 40.000 dkk, to buy Christmas presents for kids, that otherwise wouldn’t have gotten any.    The perfect project-class   We went on exchange with another class from Thorsgaard Efterskole. The class they exchanged with was called TE10 and was quite like SIP. Half of the SIP students visited them, and did something, out there, and half of the students from TE10, came to SIP, to do a project.     ”Danmarks Indsamlingen”   They collected 140.000 dkk 
Exchange: Zimbabwe 
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Anders Buus  
Projects: Danish entrepreneurship award  The Danish entrepreneurship award is a competition between a lot of schools, held in Fredericia every year. To win the competition, you must come up with the best product and pitch, that solves a problem from the real world. There’s also a video pitch competition, that a group from SIP won, which is very impressive, since most of the schools/ groups were much older.  It was quite interesting since the most important thing in the competition, is to think outside the box, and make a product. 
Exchange: USA (cancelled because of Covid-19) 
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Anders Buus 
Projects: Music room  A lot of the students from this class, begun to produce their own music. Suddenly, the school had its own band, instruments, and songs, but needed a music room. So, SIP made it a project to rework the old messy music room in the basement. Two girls printed hundreds vintage photos, and other students cleaned up bought new gear, and just reworked the entire room. And then, the school had gotten a new music room. 
Exchange: USA (cancelled because of Covid-19) 
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Anders Buus 
Projects: Steffen Brandt concert  Its was a yearly tradition to host a Steffen Brandt concert, so that is what they did. They started setting everything up just three weeks before the concert. They hung up posters all around the school and Skals, they also handed out flyers at the gymnastic show.  They woke up early to set everything up, and do a test run, to be sure everything worked. They hired a “pølsevogn” and sold drinks.  They earned 18.000 dkk.  
Exchange: USA and Spain 
Teachers: Peter Sloth and Anders Buus
Projects:  Skals in movement This years students had a project called "Skals in movement" where they helped the community of Skals by making activities for the people who lived there. They did a lot of different things including a bingo night and helping kids with gymnastics and helping old people with gymnastics. Steffen brandt concert The students also hosted a Steffen Brandt concert in the gymhall. they had booked a food truck where you could get pitas and soda
Exchange: USA and Spain
Teachers: Anders Buus, Peter Sloth and Thomas Gram
Projects: Will be added later
Exchange: Will be added later
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